S.A.M Singapore Math of Johns Creek, Georgia, is a franchise partner of Seriously Addictive Mathematics (S.A.M), Singapore. It is an Enrichment Program modeled after Singapore Math Framework. According to TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) and PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) Singapore Math is one of the most recognized and successful mathematics programs in the world.
As a Master Franchise of S.A.M we are inviting all individuals and companies who are interested in opening a S.A.M learning center in the state of Georgia, U.S.A. to contact us. No doubt, as in any business, profit is important, but we at S.A.M humbly insist that this must not be the only goal for our Franchisees. We have painstakingly designed a Comprehensive Quality Program and a Full Suite of Support Services for Franchisees to do what Franchisees must do best – Deliver our program Passionately and Efficiently for the Benefit of the Students.
We are looking for Passionate people with a Genuine Love for Children and a genuine Desire to Educate them. This is a business that may especially suit ex-teachers and educators, and/or qualified individuals who wish to take charge of their own destiny. Running your own Franchise business with S.A.M can be very rewarding for team players, who can also contribute to the continuous improvement of the program.
At S.A.M, we also require the founder Franchisee to be directly and actively involved in the management of the business, at least for the foreseeable future. Successful Franchisees can look forward to expand their business through the establishment of multiple outlets.
All inquiries are welcome, as long as you have passion to educate children, and demonstrate commitment, sincerity and integrity. If you wish to know more about our Franchise Program simply fill up the inquiry form and we will contact you shortly. We look forward to hearing from you soon.