Why Choose S.A.M 
S.A.M. Singapore Math of Johns Creek, GA, is a franchise partner of Seriously Addictive Mathematics (S.A.M), Singapore. It is an award winning Mathematics Enrichment Program which uses Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) approach to teach math. Generally, students can underperform in math because they find it boring or they lack understanding of mathematical concepts. That is why parents in the United States struggle with teaching mathematics to their children.
Whether we believe it or not, it is a fact that different teaching methodologies, attitude towards learning and time spent to practice always affects the excellence of any student.
S.A.M method of teaching math develops students’ mathematical ability and confidence without having to resort to memorizing procedures to pass tests. This makes mathematics more engaging and interesting.
We have designed a unique curriculum, for students from 4 to 12 years of age, primarily modeled after the Singapore Mathematics Framework. According to the TIMSS (Trends in International Math & Science Study), Singapore Math is one of the most successful programs in the world since 1995.
At the heart of the framework is problem solving, where students develop mathematical mastery through its unique approach. Focusing on logic, early algebraic thinking and visualization, S.A.M makes math intuitive and exciting for young learners. Our syllabus aligns with Common Core and combines rigor and deep understanding with fun.
Thinking Math 
These days, students require more than just Rote Learning to excel in Math. At S.A.M, we focus on skills such as Critical Thinking, Heuristics, Logical Reasoning, Meta-cognitive Understanding, Bar Modeling and Word Problems, amongst others. Collectively, we term this as a Holistic Approach to learning Mathematics.
Throughout our program, starting from the way Trainers engage students in the Classroom, to the way questions are phrased and how solutions are presented in our Worksheets, we adopt this Holistic Approach. By the end of our program, S.A.M students will be well equipped with an array of skills to confidently embrace future challenges in the world of numbers.
Mathematics is not merely about computation – it is about thinking and intelligent reasoning. When it comes to learning math, it is not enough to understand the “how to” but also the “why is” and “what ifs”. The objective is clear, we want children who can think, and not merely count.
Award Winning
Award Winning Curriculum 
According to the TIMSS (Trends in International Math & Science Study) survey Singapore Math is reputed to be one of the most successful national programs in the world since 1995. The Singapore Math curriculum and pedagogy is unique and revolutionary in its approach towards the subject. It is very effective as a standalone curriculum or a supplement to an existing school math program.
Based on Singapore Math, S.A.M’s Award Winning Curriculum and Pedagogy is the most relevant and comprehensive Math enrichment program available today. With over 30,000 pages of carefully crafted worksheets combined with motivating and creative classroom experiences, the S.A.M approach makes learning fun and interesting. Students learn at their own pace through an individual Step-Up process which is monitored by a certified S.A.M Trainer. This is the only program your child will ever need to excel in Math.
At S.A.M, we train children to develop an attitude of self-discovery and learning at a young age. Our trainers ask leading questions rather than spoon-feed children. A habit of self-learning and discovery transcends beyond the subject of Mathematics – it will greatly benefit their learning of other subjects as well.
Classroom Experience 
The Classroom Experience, conducted by Certified S.A.M Trainers, engages students with manipulatives, probing questions, games and a healthy dose of encouragement. The idea is to make learning fun and memorable through an array of interactive experiences.
During this engagement time, the Trainer also takes the opportunity to access how the student is coping with his/her work, rate of progress and level of motivation. Certified S.A.M Trainers understand that their role is not just to instil Mathematical knowledge in students, but also to inculcate the right learning attitude and self discipline in them.
We provide a coaching pedagogy in the Classroom Experience, where children are encouraged to discover their solutions rather than to be told what to do. Students learn new concepts using Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) progression to anchor learning in real-world, hands on experiences.
Worksheet Experience 
The Worksheet Experience engages each student individually in their own designated time for study at home. This regime instills self discipline and independent learning, both necessary skills required in all manner of learning, not just Mathematics. S.A.M worksheets are designed with narrative instructions and relevant examples before each topic commences. The volume of work and level of difficulty are all carefully calibrated to ensure that learning remains challenging yet fun for every student at S.A.M.
Your child learns through practice worksheets, in class and at home. Our worksheets are designed to hone the most relevant skills and methods for your child to excel in Singapore Math. The pace of learning is specially calibrated for your child.